Germany - Ammunition, Guns and Mountings Definitions
M.Dv. Nr. 541 - Memorandum on Painting and Marking Projectiles for Guns of the Kriegsmarine 

German 1942 document "Merkbuch über Anstrich und Kennzeichen Geschosse für Geschütze der Kriegsmarine"
German Fuzes of World War II
German Army and Navy Fuze listing and description.
127 mm/64 LW (Italy)
F125 Class
127 mm/54 Mark 42 (USA)Lütjens Class (USN Charles Adams Class)
100 mm/55 M1953 (France)Deutschland (1960), Hamburg (D181) and Köln Classes
76 mm/62 Compact (Italy)Bremen, Brandenburg (1994) and Sachsen Classes
Modern Schnellboots
40 mm/70 Bofors Model 1958 (Sweden)Modern Schnellboots
Modern Warships
35 mm/1000 KDG MillenniumExport Only
27 mm MLG 27Modern Warships
20 mm/65 MK 20 Rh202Modern Warships
53 cm/52 Gerät 36
42 cm/48 SK C/40
30.5 cm K 14 (russ)
40.6 cm/52 SK C/3442 cm/48 SK C/40
"H" Class
42 cm/45 SK L/45
38 cm/52 SK C/34L 20 alpha (Planned)
Bismarck and Schlachtschiff "O"Classes
38 cm/45 SK L/45Ersatz Yorck and Bayern Classes
35 cm/45 SK L/45Mackensen Class
30.5 cm/56 SK C/39Planned
30.5 cm/50 SK L/50Helgoland, Kaiser, König and Derfflinger Classes
30.5 cm/52 Pattern 190730.5 cm K 14 (russ)
28 cm/54.5 SK C/34Scharnhorst (1938) Class
28 cm/52 SK C/28Lützow (ex-Deutschland) Class
28 cm/50 SK L/50Moltke and Seydlitz Classes
28 cm/45 SK L/45Nassau and Von der Tann Classes
28 cm/40 SK L/40Braunschweig and Deutschland (1904) Classes
28 cm/40 MRK L/40Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm Class
28 cm/35 MRK L/35Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm Class
24 cm/40 SK L/40
15 cm/48 Tbts KC/36T
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts KL/45
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts Flak L/45
10.5 cm/45 SK C/06
10.5 cm/45 Flak L/45
10.5 cm/45 Tbts L/45
10.5 cm/45 Ubts L/45
Kaiser Friedrich III, Wittelsbach, Fürst Bismarck and Prinz Heinrich Classes
24 cm/35 K L/35Siegfried and Odin Classes
21 cm/45 SK L/45Blücher (1909)
21 cm/40 SK L/40Victoria Louise, Prinz Adalbert, Roon and Scharnhorst (1907) Classes
20.3 cm/60 SK C/34Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen Classes
17 cm/40 SK L/40Braunschweig and Deutschland (1904) Class
155 mm/52 MONARCHamburg F220 (Prototype)
15 cm/48 Tbts KC/3615 cm/48 Tbts KC/36T
Z23 and Z37 "Narvik" Destroyer Classes, Z40/SP1 Scout Cruiser Class and Schlachtschiff "O" Class
15 cm/55 SK C/28Lützow (ex-Deutschland), Scharnhorst (1938) and Bismarck Classes
15 cm/60 SK C/25Königsberg (1929), Leipzieg and Nürnberg Classes
15 cm/45 SK L/45Most Capital Ships 1908-1918 and Cruisers as rearmed 1915-1918
15 cm/45 Tbts KL/45Emden (1925) and AMCs of World War II
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts KL/45
15 cm/45 Ubts + Tbts Flak L/45
S113, V116, G119 and B122 Destroyer Classes
15 cm/40 SK L/40U-Boat "Kreuzer" Classes of World War I
Kaiser Friedrich III, Wittelsbach, Victoria Louise, Fürst Bismarck, Prinz Heinrich, Prinz Adalbert, Roon and Scharnhorst (1907) Classes
15 cm/35 SK L/35Gefion and Kaiserin Augusta
12.8 cm/45 KM41Z46 and Z52 Destroyer Classes
12.8 cm/61 KM40Shore-based AAA of World War II
12.7 cm/45 SK C/34Z1, Z17, Z35 and Z43 Destroyer Classes
5"/38 Mark 12 (USA)Z1 to Z6 (ex-USN Fletcher Class Destroyers)
12 cm/45 Mark 6 and Mark 8 (Netherlands)ZH1 and K1 Class
10.5 cm/65 SK C/33Lützow (ex-Deutschland), Scharnhorst (1938), Bismarck, "H," Graf Zeppelin, Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen Classes
10.5 cm/45 SK C/32Schlesien Class, Emden (1925), Torpedo Boats, F-Boats and Type I, Type IX and Type X U-boats
10.5 cm/55 SK C/28Bremse and Wolf Classes
10.5 cm/45 SK L/4510.5 cm/45 SK C/06
10.5 cm/45 Flak L/45
10.5 cm/45 Tbts L/45
10.5 cm/45 Ubts L/45
Kolberg, Magdeburg, Karlsruhe, Graudenz, G96, V170 and U61 Classes
10.5 cm/40 SK L/40Möwe Class, F-boats, Type 40s and some minesweepers
Grazelle, Bremen (1904), Königsberg (1907), Dresden and Tiger (1900) Classes
10.5 cm/35 SK L/35Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm Class
8.8 cm/45 SK C/35
8.8cm/45 KM41
8.8 cm/45 Tbts L/45
8.8 cm/45 Flak L/45
8.8 cm/30 Tbts KL/30
8.8 cm/30 Ubts L/30
8.8 cm/30 Ubts + Tbts Flak L30
6 cm/21 S-Bts KL/21
6 cm/21 Bts KL/21
5 cm/40 SK L/40
2 cm/65 C/38
Type VII U-Boats
8.8 cm/76 SK C/32Königsberg (1929), Leipzieg and Nürnberg Classes
8.8 cm/78 SK C/31Lützow (ex-Deutschland) Class
8.8 cm/45 SK C/308.8cm/45 KM41
Small Warships of World War II
8.8 cm/75 SK C/25Königsberg (1929) Class
8.8 cm/45 SK L/458.8 cm/45 Tbts L/45
8.8 cm/45 Flak L/45
Capital Ships, Destroyers and Torpedo Boats of World War I
8.8 cm/35 SK L/35Emden (1925), Lützow (ex-Deutschland) and Königsberg (1929) Classes
Coastal Battleships and Cruisers of the 1890s
8.8 cm/30 SK L/308.8 cm/30 Tbts KL/30
8.8 cm/30 Ubts L/30
8.8 cm/30 Ubts + Tbts Flak L30
Coastal Battleships and Cruisers of the 1890s, Gunboats of the 1900s and Torpedo boats and U-Boats of World War I
3"/50RF Mark 33 (USA)Z1 to Z6 (ex-USN Fletcher Class destroyers)
7.5 cm/36 SK C/34Small Warships of World War II
6 cm/21 C/986 cm/21 S-Bts KL/21
6 cm/21 Bts KL/21
Landing Guns
5.5 cm/77 Gerät 58Type 42C Destroyers
5.2 cm/55 SK L/55Cruisers and Large Torpedo Boats of the early 1900s
5 cm/40 Tbts KL/405 cm/40 SK L/40
Cruisers and Torpedo Boats of 1890s
UB18 class (type UBII) U-Boats
4 cm/56 Flak 28UB18 class (type UBII) U-Boats
Many ships after 1943
3.7 cm/57 M43Many ships after 1944
3.7 cm/69 M42Many ships after 1944
3.7 cm/83 SK C/30Almost all warships between 1930 and 1943
3 cm/53 Flak 103Planned for Type XXI U-boats
2 cm/65 C/302 cm/65 C/38
Almost all warships between 1930 and 1945
2 cm/70 Flak 28 and 29A few ships between 1939 and 1945
8.6 cm RaketenPatrol Vessels and Destroyers 1944 to 1945
38 cm Raketenwerfer 61 L/5.4Coastal Defense 1942