100 mm/55 Model 1968,
100 mm/55 Model 1968 CADAM,
100 mm/55 Model 1968-II
100 mm/55 Model 1964
20 mm/73 GIAT M621
100 mm/55 Model 1968 CADAM,
100 mm/55 Model 1968-II
Colbert, Tourville, Georges Leygues, d'Estienne d'Orves, Floréal, Cassard and La Fayette Classes
100 mm/55 Model 1953,100 mm/55 Model 1964
Commandant Rivière, La Galissonnière, Jeanne d'Arc, Suffren (1967) and Surcouf (1947) Classes
100 mm/55 CompactExported to Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and PRC
76 mm/62 Compact and SRAquitaine and Horizon Classes
20 mm/90 GIAT M693 [20F2],20 mm/73 GIAT M621
Modern French Warships
12.7 mm HMG (USA Browning M2)Modern French Warships
45 cm/45 Model 1920.A
305 mm/45 Model 1893,
305 mm/40 Model 1893,
305 mm/45 Model 1887
Planned Battleships of the 1920s
380 mm/45 Models 1935 and 1936Richelieu and Alsace Classes
34 cm/45 Model 1912 and 1912MBretagne, Normandie and Lyon Classes
330 mm/50 Model 1931Dunkerque Class
30 cm/45 Models 1906 and 1906-1910Danton and Courbet Classes
305 mm/40 Model 1893/1896,305 mm/45 Model 1893,
305 mm/40 Model 1893,
305 mm/45 Model 1887
Bouvines, Bouvet, Massèna, Gaulois, Iéna, Suffren (1903), République and Liberté Classes
274 mm/40 Model 1893/1896
100 mm/26 Model 1892,
100 mm/34 Model 1936
Henri IV, Jaureguiberry, D'Entrecasteaux, Caïman, Indomptable and Requin
274 mm/45 Model 1887/1893Bouvet and Massèna
240 mm/50 Model 1902/1906Danton Class
203 mm/50 Model 1924Duquesne, Suffren (1930), Surcouf (1930) and Algérie Classes
194 mm/50 Model 1902Démocratie, Edgar Quinet, Ernest Renan and Jules Michelet Classes
194 mm/40 Model 1893Jeanne d'Arc, Glorie, Gueydon, Glorie and Leon Gambetta Classes
19 cm/45 Model 1887Dupuy de Lôme and Amiral Charner Classes
164.7 mm/45 Model 1893-1896République, Sufferen (1903) and Iéna
16 cm/45 Model 1887
155 mm/50 Model 1920Dupuy de Lôme (under construction)
Béarn, Duguay-Trouin, Jeanne D'Arc and De Grasse Classes
152 mm/55 Model 1930Richelieu, Emile Bertin and La Galissonnière Classes
15 cm/48 SK C/36 (German)Hoche and Marceau (ex-German Destroyers)
15 cm/45 Tbts KL/45 (German)Amiral Sénès (ex-German S113), Barfleur and Charles Plumier
15 cm/45 SK L/45 (German)Colmar, Mulhouse, Strasbourg and Metz (ex-German cruisers)
138.6 mm/50 Models 1929 and 1934Volta, Le Fantasque, Kléber and Bruix Classes
138.6 mm/40 Model 1927Aigle, Cassard and Le Malin Classes
138.6 mm/40 Model 1923Bison and Pluton Classes
138.6 mm/55 Model 1910Courbet, Bretagne, Normandie, Lyon and Arras Classes
138.6 mm/45 Models 1884, 1888, 1891 and 1893Charles Martel, Carnot, Jauréguiberry, Masséna, Bouvet and Charlemagne Classes
130 mm/45 Models 1932 and 1935Dunkerque and Le Hardi Classes
130 mm/40 Model 1924L'Alcyon Class
130 mm/40 Model 1919Simoun and Tigre Classes
127 mm/54 Model 1948Surcouf (1964), Duperré, De Grasse and Colbert Classes
12.7 cm/45 SK C/34 (German)Desaix and Kléber (ex-German destroyers)
120 mm/50 Models 1931 and 1936D'Estaing, Duchaffault and Duperré (ex-Italian destroyers)
4.7"/45 BL Marks I and II (British)Mistral and Ouragan
10.5 cm/65 SK C/33 (German)Guichen and Châteaurenault (ex-Italian cruisers)
10.5 cm/45 SK C/32 (German)L'Alsacien, Le Lorrain, Dompaire, Baccarat and Bir Hakeim (ex-German Torpedo Boats)
100 mm/55 Model 1945Richelieu Class
100 mm/45 Models 1930 and 1933Richelieu, Algérie, Élan, Chamois, Le Fier, De Grasse, Clemenceau and Gascogne Classes
100 mm/45 Models 1927 and 1932Commandant Teste, Melpomène Class, Chevreuil and La Capricieuse
100 mm/45 Model 1925Redoutable Class
100 mm/45 Models 1892 through 1917,100 mm/26 Model 1892,
100 mm/34 Model 1936
Miscellaneous 100 mm guns
90 mm/50 Model 1926
37 mm/50 Model 25
Jean Bart, Suffren (1928), Emile Bertin and La Galissonnière Classes
3"/50 Mark 22 (USA)Algérien Class (ex-US Cannon Class)
75 mm/35 Models 1925 and 1928Coastal Submarines
75 mm/50 Models 1922, 1924 and 1927Bretagne, Béarn, Duquesne, Suffren (1928), Jeanne D'Arc, Duguay-Trouin, Chacal and Bourrasque classes
75 mm/62.5 Model 1908Danton Class
75 mm/50 (2.95") Canet Model 1891French Ships in the 1890s
65 mm (9-pdr) Models 1888/1891 and 1902French ships in the 1890s to 1920s
57 mm/60 AA Model 1951Jean Bart, De Grasse, Colbert, Surcouf (1964), Duperré and Le Normand Classes
57 mm Hotchkiss (6-pdr)
French ships in the 1890s to 1920s. Used by many nations including Britain,
Russia. and United States
47 mm Hotchkiss (3-pdr)
40 mm/56 Bofors (USA)French ships in the 1890s. Used by many nations including Britain and United States
Richelieu, Lorraine, ships refitted in the USA/UK during World War II
2 pdr Mark VIII (British)Many ships during World War II
37 mm/70 Model 1935Patrol Vessel Amiens
37 mm/50 CAIL Model 1933,37 mm/50 Model 25
Many ships in the 1930s
37 mm Hotchkiss (1-pdr)
25 mm/60 Hotchkiss Models 1939 and 1940French ships in the 1890s
Used by many nations including United States
Used by many nations including United States
Some Destroyers in the 1940s
20 mm/70 Oerlikon (USA)Richelieu, Lorraine, ships refitted in the USA/UK during World War II
13.2 mm/76 Hotchkiss Model 1929Many ships in the 1930s