Age 48 (as of 1998)

BS, Mississippi State University

1969-1992, U.S. Navy. Primarily assigned to marine propulsion and ship repair duties, with a three year tour as a Legal Officer at NTC Great Lakes Illinois.

Designated COMNAVSURFPAC design representative for LHA-1 class assault systems.

Last engineering related assignment, Planning Officer, USS Acadia AD-42 1983 - 1990 (Repair Planning Officer for battle damage repairs to USS Stark FFG 31).

Afloat assignments:

  • USS Betelgeuse AK 260
  • USS America CV 66
  • USS Caloosahatchee AO 98
  • USS Grand Canyon AR 28
  • USS San Jose AFS 7
  • USS Belleau Wood LHA-3
  • USS Acadia AD 42

Currently retired. Part time computer systems consultant (when I feel like it).

Alan D. Minyard

Alan passed away on 10 January 2013 near Collinsville, Mississippi. The link below is not really an obituary, but does have a note from a former shipmate.